All Computer Shortcut Keys - II
Alt + Enter --> Opens Properties
Shift + Del --> Delete files without throwing them into recycle bin.
Alt + Down arrow --> Display all available opts on drop down menu.
Alt + F4 --> Close current open programs or windows.
- (on the keypad) : Collapes the currently selected folder in windows explorer
+ (on the keypad) : Expands only the crrently selected folder in windows
* (on the keypad) : Expands all folders on the currently selected folder on the
drive in windows explorer.
Ctrl + F4 --> Close single window in program.
F6 --> Move cursor different windows explorer pane(Similar as tab)
Alt + Spacebar --> Drops down the main window control menu.
Left Alt + Left Shift + Num lock --> Turn mouse key on / off
Left Alt + Left Shift + Prtscr --> Turn high Contrast on / off
Shift 5 times --> Turn Sticky key
Shift When you insert CD : Stop Automatically play.
Alt + Tab --> Switch b/w Open applications
Alt + Shift + Tab --> Switch Backward b/w Open applications
Alt + Spacebar + N --> Minimize Active windows
Alt + Printscn --> Create Screenshot of current program
Ctrl + Alt + Del -->Reboot / Task Manager
Ctrl + Shift + Tab --> To move different open tabs in any browser
Ctrl + Esc --> Bring up Start Menu
Alt + Esc --> Switch b/w applications on task bar
F2 --> Rename the selected icon
F3 --> Start find from desktop
F4 --> Open the drive selection when browsing
Alt + Enter --> open properties of selected folder
Shift + F10 --> Simulates right-click on selected item
Winkey + Spacebar --> Bring all gadgets to the front and select windows
Ctrl + winkey + F --> Search for computers (if you are on a network)
Ctrl + winkey + Tab --> Use the arrow keys to cycle through programs on
taskbar by using windows flip 3-D.
F2 : Edit the selected cell.
F5 : Ask for a specific cell. For ex C6
F7 : Spell check selected text and / or document.
F11 : Create chart in a new tab.
Ctrl + shift + ; - Enter the current time.
Ctrl + ;- Enter the current date
Alt + Shift + F1 : Insert New Worksheet.
Shift + F3 : Open the Excel formula window.
Shift + F5 / Ctrl + F : Bring up search box.
Ctrl + A : Select all content of the current worksheet.
Ctrl + B : Bold highlighted selection
Ctrl + I : Italic highlighted selection
Ctrl + K : Insert link.
Ctrl + U : underline highlighted selection
Ctrl + 5 : Strike through highlighted selection
Alt + F11 : Visual Basic Editor
Alt + F8 : Macro Dialogue Box.
Ctrl + 0 : Hide the columns
Ctrl + Shift + 0 : Unhide the columns
Ctrl + 9 : Hide the Row
Ctrl + Shift + 9 : Unhide the row
Ctrl + Shift + O : Select all cells with comment.
Alt + Tab --> Switch b/w Open applications
Alt + Shift + Tab --> Switch Backward b/w Open applications
Alt + Spacebar + N --> Minimize Active windows
Alt + Printscn --> Create Screenshot of current program
Ctrl + Alt + Del -->Reboot / Task Manager
Ctrl + Shift + Tab --> To move different open tabs in any browser
Ctrl + Esc --> Bring up Start Menu
Alt + Esc --> Switch b/w applications on task bar
F2 --> Rename the selected icon
F3 --> Start find from desktop
F4 --> Open the drive selection when browsing
Alt + Enter --> open properties of selected folder
Shift + F10 --> Simulates right-click on selected item
Winkey + Spacebar --> Bring all gadgets to the front and select windows
Ctrl + winkey + F --> Search for computers (if you are on a network)
Ctrl + winkey + Tab --> Use the arrow keys to cycle through programs on
taskbar by using windows flip 3-D.
Ms - Excel Shortcut keys.
F2 : Edit the selected cell.
F5 : Ask for a specific cell. For ex C6
F7 : Spell check selected text and / or document.
F11 : Create chart in a new tab.
Ctrl + shift + ; - Enter the current time.
Ctrl + ;- Enter the current date
Alt + Shift + F1 : Insert New Worksheet.
Shift + F3 : Open the Excel formula window.
Shift + F5 / Ctrl + F : Bring up search box.
Ctrl + A : Select all content of the current worksheet.
Ctrl + B : Bold highlighted selection
Ctrl + I : Italic highlighted selection
Ctrl + K : Insert link.
Ctrl + U : underline highlighted selection
Ctrl + 5 : Strike through highlighted selection
Alt + F11 : Visual Basic Editor
Alt + F8 : Macro Dialogue Box.
Ctrl + 0 : Hide the columns
Ctrl + Shift + 0 : Unhide the columns
Ctrl + 9 : Hide the Row
Ctrl + Shift + 9 : Unhide the row
Ctrl + Shift + O : Select all cells with comment.
All Computer Shirtcut keys part I
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