Thursday, 24 August 2017

Types of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

The 3 Different Types of SEO Techniques 

White hat SEO

Black hat SEO

Greyhat SEO

Whitehat SEO :

          This is one of the most popular SEO technique to improve your search 

engine rankings. This SEO refers to the usage of search engine optimization, 

technique and that focus on human audience to search engine completely 

follows search engine rules and policies (Google Algorithm), it is also known as 

Ethical SEO. For example, Whitehat SEO techniques include using keywords and 

keyword analysis also known as keyword optimization, back linking, link 

building and then write your website content for the human readers.

In this technique while maintaining the integrity of your website and staying 

within the search engines terms of service, these are the defined by Google. 

This means that numerous factors have to be taken into consideration and 

optimized such as :

1. Writing some Quality contents 

2. Images and Video 

3. Meta tag Information

4. Site performance (Loading time)

5. Best Inbound link

Writing some Quality contents :

          Write Quality Contents to your website, for example imagine we are the 

end user of that particular website, and we are looking to searching for a car 

for hire, then we move to our favorite search engine about search phrase 

"Brand new car for hire", in this scenario let's assume we having only 2 

websites that particular target phrase. 

Site One :

           Site 1 contains single page with three paragraph of text. That text tells 

us the company does portable with new car hire and gives us a phone number 

to call.

Site Two :

          Site 2 contains 30 plus pages all focusing on various brand new car, and 

they provide, car images okay now which site do you think the search engine is 

likely to offer to user first ?? It’s a rather obvious example but it illustrates the 

importance of good content so your priority should be good quality content.

Images and Video :

           As a general rule of SEO smaller the images (in bytes) the better. 

Larger images will take longer to load and this can impact the user experience 

especially  for users on mobile. As a good practice to use image optimize tool to 

that can reduce image size with out losing quality of am image. before 

uploading the site i also use image optimize tool to reduce image size and then

use image name as a keyword based on your website category. this same rule 

applicable for video optimum also. 

Meta Tag Information :

            There are two meta tag are used to inform search engines of the 

content page. They placed between the <head> tag of the page.

Meta Description this should be used to describe the content of your page 

specification this contains 1 or 2 sentences, 3 at most.

here the example of meta description tag

<meta name=”description” content=”MadeUp restaurant website is the best MadeUp restaurant website, our restaurant is better than any restaurant,great restaurant,best food restaurant,visit our restaurant” />

Meta keywords should be a short list of word that inform of the main focus of 

the page.

Here’s an example of the meta keywords being used in the correct manner,
<meta name=”Keywords” content=”Online marketing, digital marketing, search marketing, search engine marketing, e-mail marketing, SEO” />
Create your website with keyword with related category in mind. These 
keywords  you think people might use to find your site, single words are not
most effective target, try multiple phrases that are better to specific to your 
product / service and you will be targeting end users.
Site Performance and Loading Time:
                Website and site page performance these are the another factor to 
considered by search engine to access the sites. The unavailable pages or 
unavailable site (404 ERROR) cannot be indexed by crawlers of search engine, 
and make sure each and every images in your site are compressed format 
then, you need to make sure your sites loads fast and is accessible all the time. 
Best Inbound link : 
              A good site must have quality in bound links are search engines 
regularly access back links for their relevance, if any website contains to have 
many more irrelevant back links it will be discounted by search engines. 
So we need to build site with good quality of inbound links.

NEXT : Black Hat SEO ----> continue 

Thursday, 3 August 2017

Grow Your Business with Digital Marketing (SEO)

Digital Marketing : 

           Digital marketing is the promotion of products via one or more forms 

of electronic media, its totally different from traditional marketing. Digital 

marketing is an umbrella term of all your online marketing services,

the reality is people spend twice as much time online as they used few years 

ago, the way of people shop and buy has changed, that means offline 

marketing isn't as effective as is used to be by people.

Why Digital marketing is important : 

           From your website itself to your online business like digital advertising, 

email marketing, online purchase, and the best digital marketers have a clear

picture of how each asset supports their overarching goals.

Digital Marketing types : 

1. Email Marketing 

2. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

3. PPC (Pay Per Click)

4. Online Advertising 

5. Viral Marketing

6. Text Messaging 

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) :

                       Search Engine Optimization is the process of improving 

visibility of a website on organic (its natural or un-paid)  search engine result 

pages.A successful search engine optimization campaign will have as a part of 

improvement, carefully select relevant keyword which the on-page optimization 

will be design to make search engine algorithms.

                      All major search engine such as Google, Bing and Yahoo have 

primary search result, where web pages and other content such as video or local

listing are shown ranked based on what the search engine based consider.

There are two types of SEO such as On-Page SEO, and OFF-Page SEO