This page lists the filename extensions, or suffixes, used in the source code.
File Extension File Type
.a UNIX static library file.
.asm Non-UNIX assembler source file
.asp Active Server Page.
.awk An
.bat MS-DOS batch file.
.bmp Bitmap image file.
.btm 4NT batch file.
.BTM 4NT batch file.
.c C language file.
.class Compiled java source code file.
.cmd Compiler command file.
.CPP C++ language file.
.csv Comma-separated value file.
.cur Cursor image file.
.cxx C++ language file.
.db Module interface and type descriptions database file (type library).
.def Win32 library definition file.
.dlg Win32 dialog resource file.
.dll Win32 dynamic linked library.
.don Contains successful message following the execution of bmp.
.dpc Source dependency file containing list of dependencies.
.dpj Java source dependency file containing list of dependencies.
.dtd Document type definition file.
.dump Library symbols file.
.dxp Exports definition file.
.exe Win32 executable file.
.flt Filter file.
.fmt Format file.
.font Font file.
.fp CDE Front Panel file.
.gif Graphics Interchange Format file.
.h or .H C header file.
.hdb Obsolete, formerly used with
.hdl Generated C header or header declaration file.
.hid Help ID file.
.hpp Generated C++ header or header plus plus file.
.hrc An
.html Hypertext markup language file.
.hxx C++ header file.
.ico Icon file.
.idl Component interface description (Interface Definition Language).
.ilb Intermediate StarOffice interface definition file.
.inc Include file.
.inf Installation file.
.ini Initialization file.
.java Java language file.
.jar Java classes archive file.
.jnl CVS journal file.
.jpg Bitmap graphics (Joint Photography Experts Group).
.js JavaScript code file.
.jsp Java Server Page file.
.kdelnk KDE1 configuration file.
.l Lex source code file.
.lib In UNIX systems, a list of objects. In Win32 systems, a collection of objects.
.lin Incremental linking file.
.ll Lex source code file.
.lng File containing string and message definitions for the setup program.
.lnk Linker response file.
.lnx Linux-specific makefile.
.LOG Log file.
.lst Project files to be delivered to
.mac Macintosh-specific makefile. This is now obsolete.
.map Library map file.
.mk A
.mod BASIC module file.
.o UNIX object file.
.obj Win32 object file.
.par Script particles file.
.pfa Type 3 font file.
.pfb Type 1 font file.
.pl or .PL Perl script
.plc Former build script file, now obsolete.
.pld Former build script file, now obsolete.
.pm Perl module file.
.pmk Project makefiles.
.pre Preprocessor output from
.PS PostScript file.
.ptr Mouse pointer file.
.r Resource file for Macintosh.
.rc A
.rdb Interface and type description database (type library).
.res Resource file.
.s or .S Assembler source file (UNIX).
.sbl BASIC file.
.scp Script source file
.scr Windows screen saver executable file.
.sda Draw application document.
.sdb Base application document.
.sdc Calc application document.
.sdd Impress application document.
.sdg Storage file for Gallery.
.sdm Mail message.
.sds Chart application document.
.sdv Gallery storage file.
.sdw Writer application document.
.sdi Interface definition file.
.seg Function ordering instructions for Microsoft linker.
.sel Writer master document file.
.sh Shell script.
.sid Slot id file.
.smf Math application formula document.
.sms Math application formula document template.
.so UNIX dynamic shared library
.sob These files contain information about color palettes and various style elements.
.soc Color palettes.
.sod Line styles.
.soe Arrow styles.
.sog Gradients.
.soh Hatches.
.src Source resource string file.
.srs Screen resource string file.
.TFM Tagged Font Metric file.
.thm Storage file for Gallery.
.TTF TrueType font file.
.txt Language text file.
.unix UNIX-specific makefile. This is now obsolete.
.urd From an IDL-generated relational database (Uno Reflection Data).
.url Uniform Resource Locator file.
.vor Writer document template.
.w32 Partly native Windows makefile.
.wav Waveform audio file.
.wmf Win32 metafile vector graphics file.
.xml Extensible Markup Language file.
.xpm X11 pixel map graphics file.
.xrb XML format file to generate Java properties in language translation.
.y Yacc source code file.
.yxx Bison source code file.
.zip Zip file.
File Extension File Type
.a UNIX static library file.
.asm Non-UNIX assembler source file
.asp Active Server Page.
.awk An
script file..bat MS-DOS batch file.
.bmp Bitmap image file.
.btm 4NT batch file.
.BTM 4NT batch file.
.c C language file.
.class Compiled java source code file.
.cmd Compiler command file.
.CPP C++ language file.
.csv Comma-separated value file.
.cur Cursor image file.
.cxx C++ language file.
.db Module interface and type descriptions database file (type library).
.def Win32 library definition file.
.dlg Win32 dialog resource file.
.dll Win32 dynamic linked library.
.don Contains successful message following the execution of bmp.
.dpc Source dependency file containing list of dependencies.
.dpj Java source dependency file containing list of dependencies.
.dtd Document type definition file.
.dump Library symbols file.
.dxp Exports definition file.
.exe Win32 executable file.
.flt Filter file.
.fmt Format file.
.font Font file.
.fp CDE Front Panel file.
.gif Graphics Interchange Format file.
.h or .H C header file.
.hdb Obsolete, formerly used with
tool..hdl Generated C header or header declaration file.
.hid Help ID file.
.hpp Generated C++ header or header plus plus file.
.hrc An
include header file..html Hypertext markup language file.
.hxx C++ header file.
.ico Icon file.
.idl Component interface description (Interface Definition Language).
.ilb Intermediate StarOffice interface definition file.
.inc Include file.
.inf Installation file.
.ini Initialization file.
.java Java language file.
.jar Java classes archive file.
.jnl CVS journal file.
.jpg Bitmap graphics (Joint Photography Experts Group).
.js JavaScript code file.
.jsp Java Server Page file.
.kdelnk KDE1 configuration file.
.l Lex source code file.
.lib In UNIX systems, a list of objects. In Win32 systems, a collection of objects.
.lin Incremental linking file.
.ll Lex source code file.
.lng File containing string and message definitions for the setup program.
.lnk Linker response file.
.lnx Linux-specific makefile.
.LOG Log file.
.lst Project files to be delivered to
. For example, as in d.lst
..mac Macintosh-specific makefile. This is now obsolete.
.map Library map file.
.mk A
makefile..mod BASIC module file.
.o UNIX object file.
.obj Win32 object file.
.par Script particles file.
.pfa Type 3 font file.
.pfb Type 1 font file.
.pl or .PL Perl script
.plc Former build script file, now obsolete.
.pld Former build script file, now obsolete.
.pm Perl module file.
.pmk Project makefiles.
.pre Preprocessor output from
..PS PostScript file.
.ptr Mouse pointer file.
.r Resource file for Macintosh.
.rc A
recursive makefile or a Win32 resource script file..rdb Interface and type description database (type library).
.res Resource file.
.s or .S Assembler source file (UNIX).
.sbl BASIC file.
.scp Script source file
.scr Windows screen saver executable file.
.sda Draw application document.
.sdb Base application document.
.sdc Calc application document.
.sdd Impress application document.
.sdg Storage file for Gallery.
.sdm Mail message.
.sds Chart application document.
.sdv Gallery storage file.
.sdw Writer application document.
.sdi Interface definition file.
.seg Function ordering instructions for Microsoft linker.
.sel Writer master document file.
.sh Shell script.
.sid Slot id file.
.smf Math application formula document.
.sms Math application formula document template.
.so UNIX dynamic shared library
.sob These files contain information about color palettes and various style elements.
.soc Color palettes.
.sod Line styles.
.soe Arrow styles.
.sog Gradients.
.soh Hatches.
.src Source resource string file.
.srs Screen resource string file.
.TFM Tagged Font Metric file.
.thm Storage file for Gallery.
.TTF TrueType font file.
.txt Language text file.
.unix UNIX-specific makefile. This is now obsolete.
.urd From an IDL-generated relational database (Uno Reflection Data).
.url Uniform Resource Locator file.
.vor Writer document template.
.w32 Partly native Windows makefile.
.wav Waveform audio file.
.wmf Win32 metafile vector graphics file.
.xml Extensible Markup Language file.
.xpm X11 pixel map graphics file.
.xrb XML format file to generate Java properties in language translation.
.y Yacc source code file.
.yxx Bison source code file.
.zip Zip file.