Monday, 22 May 2017

Top 10 Google Search Engine Tricks

 Google Search Engine cool and awesome 

Tricks (Top 10)

Trick No 1 :  Go to google search engine and type following keyword "do  barrel                    roll " and press 'I'm Feeling Lucky' button

                   Google act like a barrel roll

Trick No 2 : Type "google gravity" and press 'I'm Feeling Lucky' button

google loose that gravity everything will fell down

Trick No 3 : Type "play breakout on google" and press 'I'm Feeling Lucky

button, google will display a game to play !!

Trick No 4 : Type "google sphere" on google search bar and press 'I'm Feeling 

Lucky' , and google change into as sphere, we move mouse around everything 

move to us.

Trick No 5: Type "google packman" on google search bar and press 'I'm 

Feeling Lucky' , we can able to play packman game into google 

Trick No 6 : Type "google rainbow" on google and press  'I'm 

Feeling Lucky' after that google search engine will change color full like a 


Trick No 7 : Type "elgoog" and press 'I'm Feeling Lucky'  its a google letter 

opposite word, google changes into everything like a mirror. 

Trick No 8 : Type "google snake" and press 'I'm Feeling Lucky' and we have a 

snake in google and we can able to play that game.

Trick No 9 : Type "google in 1980' it will shows you google search engines 1980 

format. like a console mode.

Trick No 10 : Type "presentation:ppt" and search the google shows you all 

presentation with ppt format, either you can type :pdf also, and it will shows 

search results with pdf format

Wednesday, 3 May 2017

Create Windows bat file to Hide the files & directory

Create bat file to Hide the files & directory

Today i will show you how to create a bat file to hide the files and directories in our machine

below here i provide small snippet for this hide project, 100 % its works 

if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
if NOT EXIST MyFolder goto MDMyFolder
echo Are you sure to lock this folder? (Y/N)
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren MyFolder "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter password to Unlock Your Secure Folder
set/p "pass=>"
if NOT %pass%== password goto FAIL
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" MyFolder
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md MyFolder
echo MyFolder created successfully
goto End

Step 1: Open the Notepad, copy and paste the snippet

Step 2: Save the snippet file named as lock.bat (bat file)

Step 3: Open the Bat file (lock.bat), it will ask password to open a directory 

Step 4: Default password is password only

Step 5:After that it will create one directory, in that directory you can move some files what ever you want to hide from                 other.

Step 6:Go and open bat file(lock.bat) again it will ask, you want to hide this directory Y / N  you provide Y to hide the directory

Main Advantage of this bat file

Now you want to see all hidden files in your machine, check the show all hidden files icon in your 

machine Am 100% guarantee this bat file will now show your hidden directory 

Modify the default Password

If you want to modify the default password, go to bat file (lock.bat) open that bat file into our notepad

press ctrl+f to find the particular word, now you need to find '%pass%==' then you can see the 

default password, then modify into whatever you want

Opening the lock.bat file

After finishing the steps, 1st time open the bat file it will ask Enter your password to show your 

directory, do some action in your directory after that open the bat file again it will ask you 

hide the directory Y / N

How to create Unremovable, Undeletable Folder in Windows 6,7,8,8.1

Make Undeletable, Unrenamable Folder in Windows machine

You can do it easily with the help of following steps :

Step 1 : Go Start and click Run or you can use (ctrl+r) key to open run box

Step 2 : Type cmd & hit enter (To open command prompt)

Step 3 : You must remember cannot create this undeletable & unrenamable folder in root directory

              Which means you cannot make this folder in your C:

Step 4 : Type E: or D: and hit enter

Step 5 : Type md con\ & hit enter (md - make directory)

Step 6 : Go and open that directory and you will see that folder named as dir1

Step 7 : Try to delete or rename that particular folder, it will show error message while your trying to

             do that action

Monday, 1 May 2017

Red Hat Gives JBoss AMQ a Makeover

Red Hat on Thursday announced JBoss AMQ 7,

a messaging platform upgrade that enhances its overall performance and improves client availability for developers.

     JBoss AMQ is a lightweight, standards-based open source platform designed to enable real-time communication between applications, services, devices and the Internet of Things. It is based on the upstream Apache ActiveMQ and Apache Qpid community projects.

     JBoss AMQ serves as the messaging foundation for Red Hat JBoss Fuse. It provides real-time, distributed messaging capabilities needed to support an agile integration approach for modern application development, according to Red Hat.

     The upgrade be available for download by members of the Red Hat developers community this summer, the company said.

     Technology plays a central role in enabling greater levels of interconnection and scalability, noted Mike Piech, general manager of Red Hat JBoss Middleware.
"With its new reactive messaging architecture, JBoss AMQ is well-suited to support the applications and infrastructure that can help deliver those experiences," he said.

What It Does

"Messaging," in this case, relates to commands passing between servers and client devices. Broadly speaking, this kind of technology is called "message-oriented middleware," or "MOM," said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT.

Upgrade Details

     JBoss AMQ 7 brings technology enhancements to three core components: broker, client and interconnect router.

     The JBoss AMQ broker manages connections, queues, topics and subscriptions. It uses innovations from Artemis to provide an asynchronous internal architecture. This increases performance and scalability and enables the system to handle more concurrent connections and achieve greater message throughput.

     JBoss AMQ 7 Client supports popular messaging APIs and protocols by adding new client libraries. These include Java Message Service 2.0, JavaScript, C++, .Net and Python, along with existing support for the popular open protocols MQTT and AMQP.

Key Improvements

     Two key enhancements in JBoss AMQ 7 are a new reactive implementation and interconnect features, said David Codelli, product marketing lead for JBoss AMQ at Red Hat.

     The first is an asynchronous (reactive) server component, so it no longer ties up resources for each idle connection. This will make all their interactions with messaging more performant, both in terms of throughput and latency.

     "It also means that more developers can use the system since some asynchronous threading models can't use traditional brokers," Codelli told LinuxInsider.

The second key enhancement is the addition of numerous benefits provided by the new interconnect feature, especially the ability to use one local service.